GenCyber@FIU Cybersecurity Summer 2023 Teacher Camp
Florida International University is honored to host the 2023 GenCyber Summer Camp for Secondary School Teachers (Grades 9-12) on June 19 – 23, 2023. GenCyber is a nation-wide grant program funded by the National Security Agency (NSA) and the National Science Foundation (NSF). The intended purpose is to build excitement and awareness in the cybersecurity field, GenCyber provides funding to programs so that they can introduce middle and high students and their teachers to the field of cyber security.
The GenCyber Teachers Camp – Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics at Florida International University provides teachers a cybersecurity camp experience with the aim of increasing awareness and interest in cybersecurity careers for them and their students, enhance diversity for the nation’s cybersecurity workforce, learn digital forensics skills and profession, and improve teaching methods for delivery 9-12 cybersecurity curricula. The program works to enhance the general knowledge of cybersecurity and specifically of digital forensics for teachers in an effort to assist them to more effectively prepare and build teaching lessons and exercises for their students. The emphasis on cybersecurity careers leads to the introduction of the NICE Workforce Framework and the presentations and interviews with cybersecurity and digital forensics professionals to better comprehend the fields to guide students in making career choices. The program will ultimately empower teachers to inspire and educate the next generation of cyber warriors in growing a diverse cybersecurity workforce to secure our communities and nation against the constantly evolving threat environment. The GenCyber camp is a dynamic experience that will engage, inform, teach, and prepare teachers to effectively articulate and advocate as cybersecurity educators. The camp will be held in person at the Florida International University, with a pre-camp and post-camp conducted online where resources are made available.
The general goals of the GenCyber program are:
(1) Increase awareness of cybersecurity content and cybersecurity secondary and career opportunities for participants,
(2) Increase student diversity in cybersecurity college and career readiness pathways at the K9-12 level,
(3) Facilitate teacher readiness within a teacher learning community to learn, develop, and deliver cybersecurity content for the K9-12 classroom,
(4) Focus on a specific cybersecurity area (Digital Forensics) that can enhance the correlation between concepts and practicum,
(5) Inform secondary teacher of on nationally available cybersecurity resources to enhance teaching effectiveness.
Camp Details
- June 19th – June 23th, 2023,
- Participate in cybersecurity and digital forensics experts,
- Collaborate with FIU Electrical and Computer Engineering Faculty,
- Engage with cybersecurity and digital forensics industry professionals,
- Develop lessons with other teachers,
- Receive a participation honorarium/stipend of $1,140.00,
- Receive GenCyber items (Laptop, USB, etc.),
- Laptop fully loaded with all of the camp cybersecurity and digital forensics tool for teachers to keep.
- Meet on FIU campus and Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Labs,
- Open to High School Teachers in the Miami-Dade Public School System,
- Camp will run from approximately 8am – 5pm each day
- Lunch will be provided every day during the camp.
- There are pre-camp requirements to prepare for the camp and post-camp responsibilities to execute, report and engage with Gencyber@FIU team members for various activities.
This project has a wide-reaching impact on secondary Teachers and aligns with cybersecurity and digital forensics initiatives. Teachers from Miami-Dade Public School System are welcome to apply for the camp. The camp is delivered at no charge to the teachers.
Want to know more?
- Dr. Alexander Perez-Pons
- Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Funded by a 2022 GenCyber Grant